Astonishing atrocity: Old Misery’s house almost demolished by defiant teenagers

Astonishing atrocity: Old Misery’s house almost demolished by defiant teenagers

By Dhruv Shah

On 9 December, 2021, a group of teenagers, who are believed to have committed incipient scandals in London, attempted to demolish the house of Old Misery on 23rd Avenue, Aurora tract. If a passing pedestrian, Mrs. Geller, had not shrewdly observed suspicious activity near the house, the gang of juveniles would have gotten away with their plan.

The teenagers entered the house at around one-thirty P.M., when the security guards changed their shifts, leaving a fifteen-minute window. They planned to bring down the house from inside within the short window, and then after making egress and spacing themselves from the house, they would detonate the walls of the house, leaving no evidence behind. While they were furtively destroying the house from inside, the police, after receiving Mrs. Geller’s tip, were on their way to arrest the gang in the act. The police stationed themselves around the house, demanding the boys to surrender immediately, lest the officers weaponized themselves and charged. The teenagers, incapable of escaping, surrendered themselves and were arrested. The teenagers who partook in this larceny were taken into custody and interrogated about the other felonies they were suspected to have committed.

The boys were sent to a rehabilitation center, where they would learn to be responsible citizens. Old Misery said, “What the teenagers have done is unacceptable, but I understand why they did it. I don’t blame them because they are orphans and were not given the right guidance.”

